Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Mayan Gods and Goddesses

  • ·        Hunab Ku- The supreme diety. The creator god.
  • ·        Cizin- Death god
  • ·        Chac- Rain and lightning god
  • ·        Itzamna- Aged god. Priestly knowledge, divination, and writing.
  • ·        Hun Hunahpu- Maize god (one of the hero twins)
  • ·        Xbalanque- The other hero twin of the "Popul Vuh"
  • ·        Kin or Kinich Ahau- Sun god
  • ·        Ik- Wind and hurricane god.
  • ·        Chack Chel or Ixchel- Old goddess of fertility and birth. Rainbow goddess.
  • ·        Young Moon Goddess- Goddess of fertility and love
  • ·        Kawil- God of Rulers. Patron of dynastic descent. Fire and lightning
  • ·        Jaguar Gods- Lords of the underworld
  • ·        Ek Chuah- Patron of merchants
  • ·        Pauahtun- 4 gods who hold up the sky
  • ·         Hun Batz and Hun Chuen- Patrons and scribes.(Monkey gods)


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